Kissflow launches Low-Code application development platform in the UAE


Kissflow, a leading provider of work management software and an early pioneer in the BPM space, has today launched its enterprise-grade Low-Code application development platform in the UAE. Targeted at businesses of all sizes, the platform aims to bridge the gap between business and IT by offering Low-Code and No-Code capabilities on one unified platform. Kissflow Low-Code largely aims to eliminate the technical skills barriers by enabling both IT & non-IT staff such as line-of-business managers and department heads to collaborate and rapidly develop customised applications that automate and streamline business processes.

While Business users can continue to develop scalable solutions, IT users get the power to extend the application with Kissflow Low-Code platform to address their enterprise process automation, modernisation and digitisation needs. Organisations will benefit from capturing business users’ domain knowledge through no-code and extending it to add IT knowledge to solve business challenges. With its simple, intuitive graphical user interface, the platform allows business users like finance, HR or production to rapidly build apps with a minimal learning curve and at the same time encourages IT to further enhance and scale the application based on business needs.

“The market is saturated with low-code offerings that are complex, require heavy investments and are heavily reliant on IT teams for application development. Kissflow Low-Code is our answer to the rising demand from IT leaders who want to scale, grow, move faster, increase productivity, and reduce costs. With the UAE recently announcing its intention of being home to 100,000 coders, the launch of our platform perfectly aligns with the government’s commendable vision of unleashing a developer in every business user. As IT plays an ever more important role in the digitalisation of business processes in order to drive efficiencies, enhance customer experiences and ultimately bolster the digital economy, Kissflow is set to be a key partner to UAE organisations,” said Suresh Sambandam, CEO, Kissflow.

Some of the differentiating features of Kissflow Low-Code are:

Application Builder: Build operational dashboards, workflows and portals using pre-built templates or from scratch with minimal coding. Comprehensively eliminate redundancy from the development cycle.

Custom UI: Create customised landing pages with forms, widgets, custom analytics, and manage access permissions to enable user navigation based on their roles.

Developer Sandbox: Enable testing and development teams to work in tandem with end-users. Optimise application design, identify bugs, and deliver a streamlined developer experience.

Application Deployment: Modify app capabilities, extend the code, validate and deploy applications as and when requirements change. Keep releasing new builds faster than never before.

Extensive Integration: Kissflow Low-Code supports multiple integrations with some of the most widely used ERP, CRM, and other core utility platforms to augment the capabilities of existing IT investments.

Vaidy Panchabikesan, Regional Sales Director at Kissflow

In line with its vision to democratise app development, Kissflow has on boarded 15 new deployment and service partners in the region as it looks to accelerate the adoption of the Low-Code platform across enterprises in the Middle East. These organisations include Protivity, Raqmiyat, Mannai, Al Bin Ali, Kanoo IT, Indus Novate, and FourNxt.

Commenting on the company’s focused channel strategy, Vaidy Panchabikesan, Regional Director at Kissflow said, “We are excited to further strengthen our presence in the Middle East and the onboarding of 15 new channel partners is a significant advancement of this strategy. We will continue to invest in expanding our robust channel partner ecosystem as we empower our partners to actively lead the evolution of the UAE into a regional software development hub.”


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