Huawei promotes Low-Carbon 5G Networks

David Wang at UBBF 2022
The focus of green development in the communications industry is expected to shift from reducing energy consumption to improving energy efficiency. Multi-dimensional energy efficiency metrics cover both network performance and energy saving, and help operators manage carbon emissions reduction while guiding them towards target networks that feature optimal performance and energy efficiency. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has put multi-dimensional energy efficiency metrics in the proposed list of items to be included in its standards system, and plans to update the standards system in H1 of 2023.
At the 2nd day of Huawei Global Mobile Broadband Forum 2022 (MBBF2022), Huawei released its “3+1” Green Target Network concept. Under the new setup, “1” refers to an energy efficiency metric system, and “3” refers to the three fields of focus: green devices, sites, and networks. The new concept is designed to help operators build low-carbon and high-performing 5G networks that attract more traffic given the same amount of energy consumption.
Huawei is the first in the industry to achieve intelligent linkage between services and site auxiliary equipment with its GreenSite 2.0 solution. Aaron Jiang, President of Huawei’s SingleRAN Product Line said, “Energy saving is an ongoing topic in the ICT industry. Improving energy efficiency while meeting service development requirements is the key to building low-carbon networks. Huawei will continue to develop innovative green solutions and promote their adoption on commercial networks, to help operators build green 5G target networks.”
Yang Chaobin, President of Huawei ICT Products & Solutions and Huawei Wireless Solution, released a One 5G concept and set of solutions designed to facilitate the evolution of all bands to 5G. “5G is in the fast lane,” Mr. Yang said. “The future calls for the evolution of all bands to 5G to deliver optimal performance and experiences with minimal energy consumption.”
5G has developed at a rapid clip since first being commercially deployed three years ago, with network coverage, devices, and users all growing significantly. 5G delivers a more HD and immersive digital experience to consumers, and has accelerated digital transformation across industries. It has improved the way people work as well as the production efficiency of enterprises.