Delivering Trust

Volker Gerstenberger, Director Global Marketing at Utimaco
Volker Gerstenberger, Director Global Marketing at Utimaco spoke to CXO DX about the company’s focus in delivering hardware security modules and key management solutions
Discuss the focus of your solutions
The company’s focus is on creating trust in the digital society. With more devices getting connected, there is a next for securing the data originating from these devices. We on securing the data when they originate at the device level itself, then when they are communicated over the networks, so when data is in motion, when stored on the device itself or in the cloud or when processed for data analytics. Utimaco offers its customers a complete suite of on-premises and cloud-based solutions for data encryption, hardware security modules, key management, and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for their IT security requirements.
What does the recently announced Data File offer?
Utimaco has launched Data File for data encryption that helps protect personal, sensitive and business-critical data from unauthorized access. Data File is an easily integrated software-based solution that ensures compliant handling of sensitive data in accordance with data protection regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, PDPA, etc
Tell us about your focus on HSM and key management
We offer the key management for the data, helping create the keys, securely storing them in our hardware security module (HSM) because while you can secure with software, you could be still having vulnerabilties that can be taken care of by having stored in the hardware module. The use of HSMs is proven safest for securing the crypto environment.
However, with the number of integrated HSMs, monitoring and management can quickly become full-time jobs. We provide solutions for secure key management as well as for centralized HSM management and monitoring to address the challenge of managing crypto secrets. We are pioneers in the space and are mentioned as an overall leader in the HSM market in one of the latest market reports from ABI, being recognized for complete and diverse range of HSM solution offerings, a vision for a converged HSM platform offering for all applications and the focus on the operational side of HSMs including deploying and customizing according to changing customer needs.
You have added a Dark web monitoring focus as well. Please elaborate
Utimaco Deep Dark Web System was launched recently and is a solution designed to support business analysts and investigators in law enforcement with sophisticated dark web monitoring tools and automation, required to prevent criminals profiting from stolen data. This allows to scan and analyze potential threats to organizations or events and people.
Tell us about your focus on securing IoT infrastructure?
IoT is the next biggest wave that is coming and we believe the threat is right from the production of these newly connected devices. You need to have a secure production environment. You need capabilities to identify and secure the devices, and securely connect these devices in the future, to ensure a trusted end-to-end IoT service. You need to ensure that all IoT devices that get connected must be secure by provisioning unique, strong and secure device identities.
Discuss your Middle east focus
We are seeing a growth in the Middle East and there is a lot of potential. Physical meetings are happening. With Bulwark, we are working successfully since past few years. We are committed to expanding our focus here which is why we have been at GISEC with a strong team showcasing our latest technologies. We have been hopefully able to generate a lot of interest form customers of Bulwark so that we can further increase the Business we do together.