Arada partners with Microsoft to accelerate digital transformation journey


Microsoft today announced that Arada, the United Arab Emirates’ fastest growing property developer, will leverage the Microsoft Cloud to accelerate its digital transformation and enhance experiences for its customers and business managers.

“Arada is a builder of communities,” said Shrikant Kabboor, CTO, Arada. “To develop market-leading experiences that enrich and inspire our residents, we focus on leveraging the power of technology to create a strong sense of a sustainable community. Design is, of course, important; amenities are important; price points are important. But technology can take us in exciting new directions. With Microsoft’s support, we expect to reap rich dividends from becoming a digitally enabled enterprise. Now that we are in a position to leverage best-in-class business-productivity and cloud-computing solutions, we can enhance the experience of our business managers and customers alike, allowing everyone to engage digitally and more efficiently.”

At the heart of Arada’s digital transformation will be the trusted, versatile, MS Dynamics 365 platform, which the property developer will use as the enterprise resource planning backbone to digitize the business processes covering finance, procurement, human resources, projects, commerce/retail and home services across business units. Arada has also adopted Microsoft Office Suite as its unified communication platform promoting digital collaboration amongst employees and business partners. The company is championing a Cloud First strategy by using the Microsoft Azure hosting platform for data storage and management to enable the leveraging of the Azure Warehouse, machine learning (ML) and AI capabilities, empowering Arada’s business with real-time data analytics and business insights.

Haider Salloum, Small Medium and Corporate Lead, Microsoft UAE

“Microsoft has a strong history in regional real estate technology solutions, particularly in the areas of construction project management and facilities management,” said Haider Salloum, Small Medium and Corporate Lead, Microsoft UAE. “Office, Dynamics and Azure are key components of business agility. Once Arada has made the move to the trusted, versatile, intelligent Microsoft Cloud, it will be able to engage customers, empower employees, optimise operations, and reinvent products and services. Today, Arada has placed its trust in Microsoft solutions for building the foundations of a digital business. In the future, I am confident the company will see its move to the Microsoft Cloud as a key step on the road to success.”

Arada is actively expanding its development scale – now worth over AED 33bn – and is transitioning into new business verticals including retail and leasing, assets management and leisure and entertainment. The company sees investment in reliable technology infrastructure as central to the success of its digital transformation goals.

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