Gender doesn’t matter


Natalie Hannouch, Reseller Sales Support Specialist MEA, Poly talks on how women are more effective than men in Sales roles. 

What made you choose sales as your professional path? How has this journey been so far in terms of achieving professional success and personal happiness?

Choosing Sales as a professional path has helped me engage with different types of people, challenge myself, understand the customer business requirements. Sales experience helped me develop different skills such as Communication, Listening, and Problem-Solving.

Does gender matter in channel sales in terms of expectations and recognitions? What are some of the common attributes as key differences between women and men in such roles?

No, the truth is gender doesn’t matter. Women are more effective than men in Sales roles, as proven in one of the studies, women are better at listening, learning, and multi-tasking. However, we can never close an eye on how society sees and most importantly deals with it.

Has hybrid work mode been rewarding or taxing? Describe your experience from last year onwards in adapting to the new normal at work? Especially as face-to-face meetings have been difficult to do, how does that impact your work?

Thanks to our technology, we didn’t lose the reality of the meeting while working Hybrid. It had made it possible for us to contact our partners and customers and had a full meeting experience due to our product features such as: Noise block, Video Framing and Voice Tracking.

Describe some of the achievements or milestones you achieved in sales in this role as well as over your career briefly

One of the achievements is being a team worker across regions which means dealing with different cultures and people.

On the road ahead in your professional journey, what are the ambitions that motivate you?

A great work culture, Learning, and development, stability, Achievement, and accomplishment.

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